Flaming Nerf Ball!

I drew picture above after a former co-worker told me about a game he used to play when he was kid, Flaming Nerf Ball. The game itself is a twisted version of extreme soccer. The object of the game is to kick this blazing sphere of unnatural fibers into the other team’s goal before it goes out. At the time he was amazed how long the ball would stay burning. They could play “Flaming Nerf Ball” for a good half an hour or so before the ball’s flame would even think about dwindling.
While he was telling me this story I was thinking to myself, kids now a day don’t play things like “Flaming Nerf Ball.” The children of today are all about bike helmets, knee pads, round corners, no sharp objects, sharing their feelings and soft sand underneath their fire proof wooden outdoor recreation facility. We played on playgrounds with iron pipe jungle gyms and concrete to break our fall. I believe we are better people for those experiences. Most parents today are raising a generation of pussies! While kids around the world are playing in rumble of a building ripped open by the latest car bomb to be rolled into the street. We here in America have our children going to therapy and self esteem camps. Who do you think is going to have balls enough to take on the world market? The kid who had to endure looting, bombings, oppression, and strife in his small impoverished village. Or the kid who can’t add without a calculator and for some reason breaks down in tears and babbles something about his parents who really never loved him every time he sees a cocker spaniel.
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